Sunday, January 11, 2009

falling off the wagon a bit

On Friday I woke up late for work. I had to take a shower (I usually take one at night), get the baby up, fed, dressed, myself ready, lunched packed, etc. Well in the rush I didn't get to eat breakfast. Well pre-baby I would have just skipped breakfast and been fine. Post baby and breast feeding, that is just not an option! I would starve to death! So I grabbed some cash from the change jar and picked up McDonald's. Plus side was that it didn't come out of the budget money.

Today we went out looking for some shoes for the baby and some jeans for me (gift card from Christmas). I skipped the jeans because it was just depressing. I will continue wearing my maternity pants. We went specifically to The Children's Place because they have some knock-off Pedipeds that I like for like $10 or on sale for $6. Who can pass that up when the baby needs shoes! Well all they had for shoes were holiday shoes; black patent leather, and shimmer red. :( But they did have a long sleeved onesie that says "Daddy Rocks!" that was a $1.99 + 30% off that I couldn't pass up. Next we wandered down to Oshkosh. No shoes but I showed Abby a little dolly with a rattle in it and she lit up with smiles. Then I proceeded to put it back and I got the biggest pout and then tears. It was the saddest thing I have seen and made me tear up so I bought it for her. :) It was not needed but it was on sale. :bag (you DAM mamas know what that means) She has not let that dolly go since. She loves it!


  1. Don't you know never to hand a baby something you don't want to buy her (giggle). I'm always trying to tell my Mom that! Sorry they didn't have the shoes you wanted. At least you saved some money though! What size shoe is she wearing? Maybe Mac has something she can fit into.

  2. Have you already posted on DAM for shoes? Or are you wanting new? It's helped me!

  3. Sorry you didn't find any shoes. Good luck finding her some.

  4. Chrystyna she is wearing size 12-18mos or size 4

    Helen I'm going to post there next. I just thought if I could get some for $6 it would be cheaper. They don't have to be new.
